EA sports

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    Weiweismart 1164 days ago

    For player characters it let the players pick one civic"course" while using their character look however the want, and all beings are very"human-monster hybrid".

    Eg. Emily's PC, Fia, is described as being violet peeled and fanged, marginally"orcish" in her face but extended and gangly elven physique. It's a mishmash of different descriptions that works great having a"look how you would like, but apply a race's attributes".

    It's also an optional rule. Personally, I think it's a little OP since you can chose a feat on every race (a feat is basically like a gift and some are extremely powerful ), but in the end it's to create your character more elastic once you want to play an Orc Wizard f.e. and do not have much use for the bonus strength.It's more fun because you can play any race as any class but it makes races only another piece of fluff information that you tell your party once and they then overlook the whole game their magician is a half-orc.

    In addition to the whole thing started because a group of people were complaining about orcs being racist because they are D&D depiction of black people apparently, even though individuals are a distinct race...

    I mean if your in a group where the half orc is ignored today, than it was likely going to be ignored before. It's up to the participant to detirmine what they want from the racial option, along with the dm to enforce those conclusions on.The first time I saw that I legit didn't get it. . .its since the personality is a color darker? Is it even? Don't these folks have real issues to be concerned about?

    Should you tell your DM that you wish to be a half-orc, and come to the table having an idea about exactly what that means from a roleplaying standpoint, without having talked to the DM about it, and your experience is different from what you expected, than that is in you.It seems similar to"caving to SJW's" and more like leaning into allowing very good homebrew. A number of the current changes appear to be in the direction of helping you play however you need, while helping you never break game equilibrium. As a rules-are-just-guidelines participant, this is super welcome.

    Its that I have a group with extreme murderer characters who like to epidermis orcs and cut of their feet when we defeat them.

    Hell, you're not even allowed to empathize with people anymore. You know, what we have spent decades building up to better society and our treatment toward each other.

    Now it's"You can't understand or speak about this issue unless you have the right identity designation." All the years of work you put to bridge the difference of human experience by putting in the effort to understand other people's experiences? Invalid.

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