Mother Chu's Vegetarian Kitchen

Ratings: 0     Quality: -     Ambience: -     Service: -     Price: -     Total: -

Basic infomation

Phone: (02) 9319 1988
Address: 351-353 Cleveland St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia

Last updated: 26/10/2007 18:40:17

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Business listing summary

Mother Chu's Vegetarian Kitchen Located at
351-353 Cleveland St, Sydney Inner, NSW 2010, Australia.
Phone: (02) 9319 1988
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Business basic info
Quality Environment Service Price
Mother Chu's Vegetarian Kitchen
100 100 40 80
Address: 367 367 Pitt St, Sydney, NSW
Phone: (02) 9283 2828
Tags: Vegetarian
Category: Restaurant
Ratings: 1, ratingratingratingratingrating

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