Music Therapy Adelaide

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Phone: 0430323470
Address: Adelaide, SA 5839, Australia
Tags: Music Therapy  .  Therapy

Last updated: 24/06/2024 06:25:52

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Description: Music Therapy Adelaide, led by Anneliis Way, provides home and clinic-based music therapy services in the southern suburbs of Adelaide. They offer sessions at Christies Beach and Old Reynella, with home visits available in the City of Onkaparinga and City of Holdfast Bay. Services include therapeutic use of music to improve speech, communication, mood, motor skills, social skills, cognitive skills, and overall well-being. Online appointments are also available across Australia.
(24/06/2024 06:27:06)
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Music Therapy Adelaide Located at
Adlaide, SA 5839, Australia.
Phone: 0430323470
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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