Stride Family & Carers Wollongong

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Phone: 02 4229 7254
Address: 2/36 - 42 Auburn St, Wollongong, NSW 2520, Australia
Tags: Mental health service  .  mental health charity  .  physical wellness tips  .  stride mental health  .  social h

Last updated: 21/11/2023 23:14:44

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Stride's Families and Carers service in Wollongong is for families and carers of loved ones with a mental health issue. The experience of a mental health condition not only affects the individual, but those closest to them. With Family and Carer support you can learn
skills that support you on your caring journey,
that focus on self-care and the overall mental
health and wellbeing for both the carer and
the loved one. We offer:
• Information: education and referral to helpful services
• Self-care: tips for strengthening yours and your family’s wellbeing
• Education: around mental health and resources
• Individual support appointments: emotional wellbeing support
• Advocacy: practical assistance dealing with health and welfare services and daily challenges
We provide this through:
• Individual and group programs
• Tailored support for family members
• Compassion and practical advice
• Monthly support groups
• Carer self-care events
• Education and training workshops
• Assistance to develop a network of people going through similar issues.

(21/11/2023 23:19:59)
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Business listing summary

Stride Family & Carers Wollongong Located at
2/36 - 42 Auburn St, Illawarra, NSW 2520, Australia.
Phone: 02 4229 7254
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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