Kings Rug Wash

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Phone: 0399957331
Address: 49 Westminster St, Oakleigh, VIC 3166, Australia
Tags: Rug Cleaning

Last updated: 12/11/2023 09:36:31

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Description: We are rug cleaning specialists based in Melbourne. We deep wash all types of rugs at our customised factory. We can wash everything including wool rugs, Persian rugs, silk rugs, vintage rugs, cowhide rugs and kilims. We use traditional hand washing techniques to bring rugs back to life. We also offer expert repairs.
(12/11/2023 09:37:48)
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Business listing summary

Kings Rug Wash Located at
49 Westminster St, Melbourne City, VIC 3166, Australia.
Phone: 0399957331
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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