TukTuk Clothing

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Phone: 0357282896
Address: 4 Old Wooragee Road, , Australia
Tags: Horse Riding Clothing

Last updated: 16/07/2022 08:47:09

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Email: customercare@tuktukclothing.com.au

Website: https://www.tuktukclothing.com.au

Description: TukTuk Clothing is an Australian-owned, women-led clothing company specializing in purpose-built horse riding clothing for women. Our designs aim at complementing the wide variety of the female form. Comfort, style and durability are equally important to us. We use natural fibres where possible and test all our designs by wearing them while riding horses in outdoor environments, exposed to various riding disciplines and the rigours of the elements.
Dedicated and passionate horse riding enthusiasts have driven TukTuk for over 30 years. We take pride in our unique designs and the quality of our products.
(16/07/2022 08:47:34)
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Business listing summary

TukTuk Clothing Located at
4 Old Wooragee Road, , Australia.
Phone: 0357282896
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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Business basic info
Quality Environment Service Price
TukTuk Clothing
Address: 4 Old Wooragee Road,
Phone: 0357282896
Tags: Horse Riding Clothing
Category: Fashion
Messages: 1

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