DFC Tank Pressure Vessel Manufacturer Co., Ltd

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    dfc 707 days ago
    DFC tank pressure vessel manufacturer co.,Ltd is a
    comprehensive pressure vessel manufacturer that offers a series
    products to all kinds of line. You will find our services in the
    industry of chemical, petrochemical,power generation, foodservice,
    pharmaceutical, refining, beveraging,water treatment,
    environmental protection, iron and steel and oil, gas and so on.
    It is established in 1984 and have strong experiences which allow
    its business scope covers fermentation tanks, water filter, oil
    and gas separators, air cooler, heat exchanger, air storage
    tank,large storage tank, liquid steel storage tank, fuel
    filter,surge tank, conveying tank, high pressure vessels and so
    We have the capacity to fabricate different materials and wide
    range dimensions pressure vessels. As the full use of the advanced
    and economical pressure vessels manufacturing technicals,we save
    the labor and improve the productivity. Thus the price we charge
    on pressure vessels is very competitive. Good price doesn`t mean the sacrifice of the quality. Till now we still have a lot of clients
    who are from all over the world trust our products and place us
    repeat orders.
    If you choose a manufacturer,please use DFC,becauseit owns
    professional administration,scientific engineering design, advanced
    production, strict quality control, on time delivery, good after
    sales service. More information please visit
    Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)

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Business listing summary

DFC Tank Pressure Vessel Manufacturer Co., Ltd Located at
6 Cornish Street, Kingaroy QLD 4610, Sunshine Coast, QLD 4610, Australia.
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Number of business listing messages: 1.


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