West Coast Barbell Club

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    12375 862 days ago
    We help people get stronger and healthier. Based between East Perth and the CBD, we are the only gym in Perth that focuses exclusively on private strength coaching. Our ambition is to get more people strength training and to get our members as strong and healthy as possible. Our coaches are positive, honest and committed to helping you achieve your goals in strength, bodyweight and body composition. Our services include group coaching, personal training and online coaching. Our members travel from all around the city to train at our gym - From the South in Como, South Perth, Victoria Park, Lathlain, Rivervale, Belmont and Burswood, to the North in Maylands, Mount Lawley, Highgate, East Perth, Northbridge, North Perth, Subiaco and West Perth
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Business listing summary

West Coast Barbell Club Located at
49 Cheriton St, Perth City, WA 6000, Australia.
Phone: 00000000000
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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