Renewal Physiotherapy South Yarra

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    renewalphysioth 882 days ago
    Renewal Physiotherapy is a Physio practice based in South Yarra, Melbourne offering a range of services including injury management, pre- and post-operative rehabilitation, myotherapy, occupational health and gym sessions. We specialise in the assessment and treatment of injury or pain in the following areas: knees, hips, lower back, neck, feet, ankles, and shoulders. We tailor the physiotherapy experience to suit our patients' needs and offer individualised, evidence-based treatment plans. We also offer home visits across the southeast Melbourne region and are easily accessible from South Yarra, Prahran, Windsor, Toorak, Richmond, St. Kilda, Malvern and beyond.
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Business listing summary

Renewal Physiotherapy South Yarra Located at
139 Surrey Rd N,, Melbourne City, VIC 3141, Australia.
Phone: 431201628
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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