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    balncehe21 906 days ago


    Description: Plant-based medicine including medicinal cannabis prescribing
    Through the comfort and convenience of 24/7 telehealth, Balnce connects you on your terms to doctors and nurse practitioners who specialise in medicinal cannabis therapy.
    Our doctors and nurse practitioners are passionate about the value of plant-based therapies in optimising health and wellbeing and are ready to help you explore your options and determine the most appropriate treatment for your condition and circumstances.
    Easily book telehealth appointments online for initial consultations, follow-up consultations and whenever you need a repeat prescription. Take our free eligibility test to find out if medicinal cannabis is suitable for you.

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Business listing summary

Balnce Located at
Melbourne City, VIC 3000, Australia.
Phone: 1300900863
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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