Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne

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    groutcleans 894 days ago
    SK Tile and Grout Cleaning provides Effective tile cleaning, grout cleaning, tile recoloring, grout sealing, tile regrouting services in Melbourne for many years. Our cleaners are certified and experts for providing the finest Tile and Grout Cleaning Services in Melbourne. We know exactly how to deal with even the toughest of grime and dirt in your tile. We use the latest tools and eco-friendly solutions to remove all the stains, bacteria, and allergens from your beautiful floors. We offer a wide range of tile & grout cleaning services.

    We are providing various kinds of tile and grout cleaning services like :
    Shower tile and grout restoration
    Sealer Stripping
    HIgh-pressure cleaning
    Epoxy grouting and regrouting
    Tile mould and algae treatment
    Tile recoloring
    Tile regrouting
    Tile and grout sealing
    Tile stripping

    Contact us to know more about our services and offers.
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Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne Located at
38 Rose Lane, Melbourne City, VIC 3000, Australia.
Phone: 0488 847 394
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Number of business listing messages: 1.


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Quality Environment Service Price
Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne
Address: Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC
Tags: Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne, Tile and Grout Cleaning, Melbourne Tile and Grout Cleaning
Category: Other industries
Messages: 1

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Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne
Address: A\'Beckett St, Melbourne, VIC
Phone: 0488 849 279
Tags: Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne
Messages: 1

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Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne
Address: 1614/220 Spencer Street, Melbourne, VIC
Phone: 1300040257
Messages: 1

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Tile And Grout Cleaning Melbourne
Address: 1407/555 Flinders Street,, Melbourne, VIC
Phone: 0488 849 311
Messages: 1

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Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne
Address: 2902/350 Queen St, Melbourne, VIC
Phone: 0347090661
Tags: Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne
Category: Other industries
Messages: 1

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