Murrays Interiors

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    11929 980 days ago
    Murray's Interiors are the best interior business in Brisbane. We specialise in Curtains, Blinds, Shutters, Awnings and Wallpaper. We are based in Mitchelton but also service Stafford, Gaythorne, Enoggera, Arana Hills, Keppera, Samford, Chermside, Ashgrove and all of Brisbane. Established in 1972, Murray’s Interiors has over 40 years of experience providing residents of Brisbane and the surrounding community with exceptional service and quality products. Our expert services are individually tailored to our clients’ needs. We provide a range of window furnishings to fit any home or business. Our experienced staff works closely with each customer throughout the process to ensure a stylish, affordable product is always selected. We aim to provide beautiful, on-trend wall-coverings, soft furnishings, blinds and shutters at competitive prices.
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Business listing summary

Murrays Interiors Located at
4 Osborne Rd, Brisbane North, QLD 4053, Australia.
Phone: (07) 3355 7888
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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