Marmion St Fresh & Gourmet

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    11099 942 days ago
    With over two decades of experience in supermarkets and wholesale groceries, Proprieter Adrian Strk found his passion in food retail. With the help of his parents, with over thirty years’ experience in the food industry behind them, Adrian took over what was then known as ‘Melville 7 Day Market’ in May of 2014. By December of 2014, Adrian had successfully completed a major rebrand and renovation of the site, reopening its doors as ‘Marmion St Fresh & Gourmet’ with a fresh new outlook and a focus on sustainable, fresh and gourmet produce at affordable prices. Now years on, you’ll still find Adrian and his team bringing you a great range of gourmet grocery lines, a huge selection of everyday items, an indulgent gourmet delicatessen, fresh fruit & vegetables, quality imported products as well as a vast variety of locally owned and manufactured products.
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Business listing summary

Marmion St Fresh & Gourmet Located at
344 Marmion St, South, WA 6956, Australia.
Phone: (08) 9330 1183
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Number of business listing messages: 1.


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