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    Weiweismart 1238 days ago

    They backpeddled and apologized if they have been called out. They do not have rights to Kap's likeness in the game however they could mention him in the tune (as they have with plenty of other public characters in different songs). The simple fact that they did this 2 years in a row indicates it wasn't an innocent oversight but a genuine choice to collaborate using a essentially racist act of Madden 21 coins collusion inside the NFL. I'm not defending a provider. I'm not saying EA is some bastion of justice. Most people generally (not merely reddit) can't see beyond black and white. Cynicism inspires outrage and outrage inspires more clicks. That is why negativity floats to the top in all social websites. That's why negativity floats to the top in most social websites. This is a significant factor. Youtube for one has done studies, because it's a massive part of their business and they want to know it. There's been testimony to congress about it I've watched but can't find right now. What they need is participation and the more negatively styled something is that the more folks will click it when it comes up in your recommendations.

    Companies don't need you to defend them, let their attorneys do that work. "Firms don't need one to defend them", but attacking companies when they are doing the right thing is necessary and productive?It doesn't matter if it's for PR reasons, they're still increasing awareness to this problem and hurting no one by doing this process. Meanwhile the men and women who see this as an opportunity to attack are just perpetuating a negative atmosphere of continuous whining. It's not so much about"protecting businesses" but about assaulting this needless negativity. So you are really only adding to the guy's argument by doing exactly what he explained. They're not doing anything however. They simply released a statement filled with empty rhetoric. You understand what doing something is? Not creating another Madden game since the NFL penalized players enjoy Kaepernick for carrying a knee. That would be remarkable. But we all know that's not what is going to happen.

    The simple fact that folks here are really behaving like this can be a meaningful gesture is so fucking baffling. EA literally moved out of its way to scrub his name out of their matches two decades straight, but this thread is making it seem like they've donated millions. It's the very definition of slacktivism. It'd be more honest when they had said nothing in any way. Rather, they're gonna push out a bullshit PR statement about how they stand with the black community and then in a few months turn around and sell a product featuring a company which has a history of stifling and punishing black voices. I never mentioned"Let us strike a business for doing the ideal thing." My point, which I've tried to describe in an edit, is that we shouldn't PRAISE companies for doing the bare minimum of human decency when they have proven in the past to be contrary to what they're asserting. Actions speak louder than words. It is possible to always be optimistic of matters looking up, which I frequently am. If your friend hurts your feelings, they must regain your trust.

    You don't thank them every time from then on whenever they are being nice. Wait, why don't you? If a buddy of mine hurt me and then made an effort to be fine I would absolutely want to tell them I appreciate their efforts. Positive reinforcement is a good thing. It helps humans behave better, who's to say it can not create a company act better also? It's well worth rewarding them for it just like it's worth rewarding a problem kid for doing their best for a day. EA (and people generally ) should not support black individuals for any reason beyond the fact that it is the right thing to do. Benefits come from great behaviour, you should not be on good behaviour for the benefits. After I see EA contribute to the causes or implement initiatives to assist out black developers or items of that type, then I'll praise them. We just should require a high standard and quit permitting companies off the hook so easily. I'm of the mindset that cancel civilization is mostly bad and individuals should be encouraged to change and improve. But we should not let ourselves to be played by firms that are, at the end of the day, trying to eliminate all obstacles in the way of getting our cash. I've been burnt by false promises a lot of times.

    Benefits come from great behaviour, you should not be on good behavior for those benefits. And I believe this is the case even for individuals too: if you want a person to act in a moral manner the best way to do that's to give them the right incentives and benefits to create behaving morally the best and most attractive solution for them. If you don't then your society will be intrinsically unstable.This is where I see this argument breaking . Corporations aren't people, they do not have some built-in ethical instincts. Should they act , it's because they benefit, there's no other motive. Either because there's pressure from their employees to act in a way consistent with the morals and beliefs of their employees, or outside pressure from cheap Mut 21 coins customers or governments. Once I see EA contribute to the causes or implement efforts to help out black developers or things of that type, then I'll praise them. We just should demand a higher standard and quit allowing firms off the hook easily.Madden NFL 21 Sees Strong First Week Unit Sales up Almost 20 Percent Year-Over-Year
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