Satta King

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Phone: 213101213
Address: India, Faridabad Haryana India, Haryana, Acton Park, WA 6280, Australia
Tags: Satta King

Last updated: 02/12/2020 23:36:03

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Satta King or Satta Matka as it is commonly called is an old India lottery game which saw its origin from the pre-Independence days. Yes, people from India have been playing the lotto for that much longer than Independence. The game itself was first introduced in the Indian continent right before Independence. The very name itself, Sattva has a reference to Lord Krishna who is considered the founder of the Hindu religion. So, the name Sattva means God/rist or Magic/ Prayer/Omen and Matka means flower/goddess.

The onlinesatta king game is like the American lotto with many people placing their numbers in a special box. But unlike the American version, which gives you a straight ticket to win, the online version gives you a certain number of points depending upon your initial choice. The first choice has a higher point count than the rest. The player also has to pay close attention to the numbers that have already been picked. This is to avoid picking numbers which may lead to a premeditated act of cheating.
(23/12/2020 02:21:17)
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Satta King or Satta Matka as it is commonly called is an old India lottery game which saw its origin from the pre-Independence days. Yes, people from India have been playing the lotto for that much longer than Independence. The game itself was first introduced in the Indian continent right before Independence. The very name itself, Sattva has a reference to Lord Krishna who is considered the founder of the Hindu religion. So, the name Sattva means God/rist or Magic/ Prayer/Omen and Matka means flower/goddess.

The onlinesatta king game is like the American lotto with many people placing their numbers in a special box. But unlike the American version, which gives you a straight ticket to win, the online version gives you a certain number of points depending upon your initial choice. The first choice has a higher point count than the rest. The player also has to pay close attention to the numbers that have already been picked. This is to avoid picking numbers which may lead to a premeditated act of cheating.
(23/12/2020 02:20:45)
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Satta King Located at
India, Faridabad Haryana India, Haryana, South West Country, WA 6280, Australia.
Phone: 213101213
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 2.


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