Mbantua Aboriginal Art Gallery

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    mbantua 1553 days ago
    Specializing in art from the Utopia region north-east of Alice Springs, from an early stage Mbantua played a key role in the history and evolution of Utopia Art. The emergence of the Utopia artists is considered to be the largest art movement in the world. Many renowned Australian artists come from this region including Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Minnie Pwerle, Greeny Purvis, Gloria Petyarre and Barbara Weir. The first Leaves painting by Gloria Petyarre belongs to Mbantua Gallery as well as one of the earliest known Emily Kame Kngwarreye paintings. Specialists in Australian Aboriginal Art for over 25 years!
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Business listing summary

Mbantua Aboriginal Art Gallery Located at
64 Todd Mall, NT South, NT 872, Australia.
Phone: 08 8952 5571
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Number of business listing messages: 1.


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