Pett Plumbing and Gas

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    pettplumbing 1581 days ago
    We believe our plumbing services team are among the best trades people in Darwin. We equip our Darwin plumbers with only the highest standards of products, to construct and restore plumbing in commercial spaces and homes. We value our customer�s time and offer a uniquely personalised and dependable plumbing service to all of our clients. We pride ourselves on saving them money through efficient services, with prompt resolution times. With a combined experience of over 15 years, we pride ourselves on offering a paramount and reliable service. We�re so confident in our quality of plumbing work, that we also back our labour by a limited lifetime guarantee. Meaning, if work isn't completed to standard, and parts aren�t at fault - our labour is free.
    04 59266377
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Business listing summary

Pett Plumbing and Gas Located at
Cavenagh St, Darwin, NT 801, Australia.
Phone: 04 5926 6377
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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