Antique Baths Sydney

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    AntiqueBaths 1591 days ago
    Some might remember “Nana” baking the Sunday roast in the Early Kooka Stove. Today Antique Baths Sydney, not only restoring clients OWN Cast Iron Baths, kitchen sinks, pedestal basins - Antique Baths fully restore the Early Kooka Stoves, AGA or Rayburn or cast iron wood burning stoves. Antique Baths Sydney are the leading company and ONLY company in Australia restoring cast iron items using vitreous enamel which is Acid & Alkali resistant, fired at approximately 850C, in the purpose built furnace at Antique Baths Sydney Pendle Hill Factory. The concept was borne when owners Sue & Steve Atherton started renovating their workman’s cottage in Fremantle over 24 years ago. As part of the renovation, they had their cast iron free standing bath destroyed by a business offering synthetic porcelain. Steve realized, as he was a qualified panel beater and metallurgist that the “synthetic porcelain” was only a paint. Sue purchased an old bath from a junk yard and once Steve resurfaced it with a two pack.
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Business listing summary

Antique Baths Sydney Located at
162 Bungaree Rd, Sydney Outer, NSW 2145, Australia.
Phone: 02 9896 0109
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Number of business listing messages: 1.


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