Grafik Wall

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    grafikwall 1670 days ago
    Grafik Wall is the one-stop shop for all types of highest grade quality wallpaper for your interior decoration purpose. With four different finishes with textures or flat, we deliver you your chosen wallpaper as soon as possible. Using the latest technology and top quality professional paste, our professionals also ensure that the product is installed within 2-3 weeks from purchase.

    Our Service Highlights

    Expect an effective and efficient, visually presentable wallpaper for your office or residential interior. We take every measure to ascertain that the print of the image is precise and perfect. Therefore, at Grafik Wall, you can expect custom design photo wallpaper with the following features-

    The designs are printed on high-quality non-woven paper 200g/m2

    The prints are flame resistant, lightfast, washable, and complete dry strippable

    Prints are available at most competitive prices that start from $85/m2

    The prints meet all the current architectural requirements

    Products We Serve

    We cater to all types of wallpapers and murals. At Grafik Wall, you can place your order for custom wallpaper murals, design photo wallpaper, mural printing, and custom wallpaper.

    You can get wallpapers under different categories namely- Kids, Maps, Nature, Animal, City, Surfaces, Geometrical, Zen, and Artistic.

    You can get brilliant designs with outstanding image quality and an attractive, environmental friendly profile.

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    Call us @ 0400797459
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Business listing summary

Grafik Wall Located at
6 Walpole Place, Clarkson, WA 6030, 6 Walpole Place, Clarkson, WA 6030, Perth City, WA 6000, Australia.
Phone: 0400797459
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Number of business listing messages: 1.


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