auteurs impex

Ratings: 0     Quality: -     Ambience: -     Service: -     Price: -     Total: -

Basic infomation

Phone: 03311402222
Address: Pakistan, Auteurs Impex - Ghuinke Daska Road, Sialkot, Paki, Adelaide, SA 5839, Australia

Last updated: 12/10/2019 14:12:41

New ratings or messages

Custom sweat shirts and hoodies
custom track suits
(12/10/2019 14:14:29)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)
We work on advance, delivery against payment [consigned to the bank] delivery against acceptance and letter of credit [Irrevocable letter of credit].

We work on very flexible payment terms, which normally suit our buyers. We are happy to undertake small as well as big orders.
(12/10/2019 14:14:00)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)
We work on advance, delivery against payment [consigned to the bank] delivery against acceptance and letter of credit [Irrevocable letter of credit].

We work on very flexible payment terms, which normally suit our buyers. We are happy to undertake small as well as big orders.
(12/10/2019 14:13:24)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)

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Business listing summary

auteurs impex Located at
Pakistan, Auteurs Impex - Ghuinke Daska Road, Sialkot, Paki, Adlaide, SA 5839, Australia.
Phone: 03311402222
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 3.
Number of fans: 1.


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