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    clearwateragncy 1769 days ago
    Clearwater Agency is not your typical digital marketing agency, we bring SEARCH, SOCIAL and PAID together under one roof as a unifying strategic and creative force.

    We create the SEO foundations to get you ranking – and keep you there.

    Far from typical.
    We’re the antithesis of your typical SEO agency – we preach what we practice. We know Google’s algorithms better than anyone in the game.

    Hence why our domains the longest-ranking agency for ’SEO’ keywords, in Australia. The reason is twofold. One, we have some of the most advanced proprietary SEO systems and software in the market. Two, our team knows search inside out – and then some.

    Oh, and you’ll never find us trying to lock you into a set-and-forget ongoing contract. That’s not our style – we’re more about longer-term relationships.

    We power conversations around our clients’ brands through targeted creative and paid content.

    We shoot to thrill.
    The end goal is engagement, right?! Totally. For us, though, it’s equally about leveraging that engagement to drive leads, conversion and ROI, as well as deepen and scale our clients’ audience relationships and social footprints. Which is where we deviate from traditional social and creative agencies.

    Social platforms are noisy environments for brands – you need to be doing much more than just pretty pictures to cut through. Which is why we tackle social through two equally critical lenses: our unrivalled technical and data-driven understanding of social ad platforms and outstanding creative content.

    We target maximum conversions while giving you the greatest bang for buck.

    Constant simplicity.
    There’s good reason why we’re regarded as the ‘paid’ agency in Australia – we have some of the most sought-after Google PPC and social advertising heads in the market. Getting paid advertising right’s an art. Our advice is always this: if you don’t have a technically adept strategy that incorporates targeted content funnels, re-marketing, email marketing and CRM integration – paid advertising can be an expensive, futile exercise.

    As an agency, if we’re not constantly optimising, tracking and monitoring the strategy we create for you, we don’t deserve your business. It’s that simple.
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Located at
6/19 William Street, Cremorne, VIC 3121, Australia.
Phone: (03) 8533 4000
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Number of business listing messages: 1.


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