A1 Dental Clinic

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    a1dentalclinic 1797 days ago
    A1 Dentist Fawkner provides a full range of general and cosmetic dentistry to the families across Fawkner and the surrounding suburbs. Whether you would like to fix your smile or need an effective solution for your dental pain, our dental team can provide the best oral care and treatment at the most reasonable prices. We use the latest techniques and modern equipment to ensure that all our treatments and procedures are as comfortable and painless as possible for our patients. Our dental experts tailor the approach and treatment with respect to your personal situation and overall health in mind. With our experience and expertise in the dental industry, we provide root canal treatment, tooth extractions, dental implants, crowns, braces, fillings, veneers, dentures, invisalign, wisdom tooth removal, dental check-up, botox & dermal fillers and other dental treatments. If you have a question or would like to schedule an appointment with our dentist.
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Business listing summary

A1 Dental Clinic Located at
50 Major Road, Fawkner , Victoria, Australia, Melbourne City, VIC 3060, Australia.
Phone: 0393592070
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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