Delicate detailing

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    TrevorSumners 2386 days ago
    A fully mobile service. We bring mobile car detailing to you.

    The staff at Delicate Detailing strive to provide our customers with the highest quality of service, courtesy, professionalism and integrity. We pride ourselves on customer service and building positive relationships with our clients. Our aim is to consistently provide quality service and workmanship to all customers. We offer many services such as a Mini Detail, Flawless Interior Detail, Delicate Special and a Cut and Polish.

    We like to make it as convenient as possible for you, therefore we come to you at your home or office. We are completely independently resourced bringing water and power. There is no need for you to supply anything at all!

    We carry a comprehensive range of professional products to achieve premium results with no downtime to you.

    We are a year round business operating seven days a week by appointment. We welcome everyone to try our environmentally friendly services, and see first-hand our commitment to customer service and a positive experience for all.
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Business listing summary

Delicate detailing Located at
We come to you, Townsville, QLD 4810, Australia.
Phone: 0412 555 829
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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