Annakut Thali

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    annakutthali 2385 days ago
    Vijay Patel has been always passionate to bring Gujarati Culture among diverse communities. He is active in providing knowledge of rich Gujarati Culture and the glory.
    The more he worked hard, people have been interested to know it more. So, He decided to walk an extra mile and started Gujarati Catering Business and he got huge success and people loved it.
    Now, He decided to make it more visualized for other Australian and Australian Indian communities and show the glory of Gujarati food Culture and opened a cuisine with a name “Annakut Thali” which represents the Maharajah style Gujarati Food culture and Gujarati Festivity.

    Food, restaurant, indian food, dinning, take away food, gujraati food, thali
    Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)

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Business listing summary

Annakut Thali Located at
106 Watton Street, Melbourne West, VIC 3030, Australia.
Phone: 0432814228
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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