Wedding Videography Sydney

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Phone: 61 424 147 412, 61 404 996 476
Address: Suite 15 4 Station Street Fairfield, Sydney, NSW 2165, Australia, Fairfield, NSW 2165, Australia
Tags: wedding  .  videos  .  photography sydney

Last updated: 04/01/2017 18:18:37

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We at Diamond films offer professional Wedding Videography Sydney services at reasonable rate. Our aim is to provide you and your family with a high quality and creative photographic / video record of the Wedding day’s events that you can treasure for many years to come. We are very clear about our charges and do not add any kind of hidden costs.
(04/01/2017 18:20:30)
Good rating (1)Poor rating (0)

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Business listing summary

Wedding Videography Sydney Located at
Suite 15 4 Station Street Fairfield, Sydney, NSW 2165, Australia, Northern, NSW 2165, Australia.
Phone: 61 424 147 412, 61 404 996 476
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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