Your Budget Wizard

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Phone: 1300151621
Address: 348 Mountain Highway, Wantirna, VIC 3152, Australia

Last updated: 20/09/2016 20:55:39

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If you feel like you are in a financial prison of sorts, you definitely need some form of credit help. There is nothing as bad as being in a situation where you can no longer do your normal activities such as go out to eat, pick up a new wardrobe, or even go to a movie without having to worry about increasing your debt or using cash that could have been used to pay down your credit card bills. Before you can figure out how to get out of house hold budget, you have to understand the reason why you are in your current situation. Most financial planners and debt management experts tell you that there are major causes why individuals fall behind in paying their bills.

Emergency situations do occur in our lives; sometimes you are in debt and then an event such as finding out that you have cancer, your spouse demands a divorce, or getting sued will simply complicate the situation. The problem isn’t how you spend your money, it is more on where can you get additional funds to finance your monthly bills. A drop in income brought about by losing your job or lower business profits without a corresponding decrease in your fixed expenses. If you avoid changing your lifestyle because you believe that another job or a pickup in the market is just around the corner. In the meantime, you either spend your savings, investments or start building credit card debt.

Credit debt help is available to you if you like to extricate yourself from the grips of this problem. The first step is to pay off your high interest credit card debt and stop the blame game and accept responsibility for your own financial life and take control over your credit card debt. Seek for the assistance of debt management experts if you feel that you cannot follow the do it yourself procedures available. If you are burdened with a huge amount of unsecured debt, your main three options are: another loan, credit counseling service or debt elimination. If you can qualify for a debt consolidation loan and you have the disciple not to use your charge cards again, then this option is a good choice.

Credit counseling will guide you on how to pay-off your bad credit in a reasonable time. However, if you miss a payment, you will be booted from the program. Also, your credit will be negatively affected. Keep in mind credit counseling has about a 75% drop-out ratio. Your last option is debt settlement. This is the quickest method of debt elimination. Your credit card debt should be paid-off in about 2-4 years. Your monthly payment is also reduced. Your credit will be negatively affected so a credit repair program is recommended.
(20/09/2016 21:13:11)
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Your Budget Wizard Located at
348 Mountain Highway, Melbourne North, VIC 3152, Australia.
Phone: 1300151621
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 1.


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