Komachi Japanese Restaurants

Ratings: 2     Quality: 80     Ambience: 90     Service: 90     Price: 60     Total: 80 ratingratingratingratingrating

Basic infomation

Phone: (02) 9319-6554
Address: 426 Cleveland St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia

Last updated: 26/10/2008 08:52:46

New ratings or messages

ratingratingratingratingrating  Quality: 80  Environment: 100  Service: 100  Price: 60

feel harmony whenever i sit there (26/10/2008 21:29:59)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)
ratingratingratingratingrating  Quality: 80  Environment: 80  Service: 80  Price: 60

Komachi is a great Japanese restaurant, i ofen visit there for my lunch. (26/10/2008 21:27:49)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)
it is easy to find out at Shop 1. (26/10/2008 08:54:00)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)
web site is : http://komachi.com.au (26/10/2008 08:53:14)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)

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Business listing summary

Komachi Japanese Restaurants ratingratingratingratingrating 4 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
Komachi Japanese Restaurants Located at
426 Cleveland St, Sydney Inner, NSW 2010, Australia.
Phone: (02) 9319-6554
URL of business directory:
Number of business reviews: 2.


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