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Mental training and management of own resources


Mental wellbeing is the best way to prepare for a competitive or high-performance job. There are brain games for adults and memory exercises specifically designed to exercise the mind. Anyone who has to make decisions under pressure or requires a great deal of continuous mental effort should use mental training to improve their performance and refine their mental processes.

Mental training, what is it and what does it consist of?

Mental training is a resource to improve or perfect one or several of our mental processes by adequately preparing the brain for it. Brain training can use different mental exercises, memory games, and brain games to improve different skills and mental processes.

Each person must decide what type of mental training they want to focus on. Or if she wants to improve in different aspects and, therefore, carry out a varied mental training. You can create your mental training strategy or have the help of a mental performance coach who defines the ideal training for you and your specific needs.

Who can benefit from mental training?

Mental training can be carried out at any age. Children, adults, or the elderly can benefit from its benefits and obtain good results for their specific objectives. Of course, each one of them will require different exercises, techniques, and forms to exercise the mind in the specific aspect or aspects of their interest.

- Anyone interested in improving their cognitive functions.

- Workers whose job performance depends largely on their cognitive abilities.

- Students and opponents.

- People who suffer from different disorders and diseases related in one way or another to the functioning of the brain, such as Parkinson's patients, depression, dyslexia, ADHD, or Alzheimer's, among others.

- High performance athlete.

- Adventurers and amateur athletes face important challenges in which mental health and wellbeing training helps perseverance and preparation to face difficult moments.

Benefits of sports coaching:

The intervention of this professional allows the athlete to overcome certain blocks that do not allow him to react in competitions, be more ambitious or overcome the fear of failure or the limitations that negative thoughts place.

In this way, athletes are also more motivated when they have to work as a team and understand the importance of thinking about the common good and group effort.

In addition, sports coaching helps to:

- Improve the performance of elite athlete.

- Discover the potential of each athlete and how to work it.

- Work attitude to success and failure.

- Find the motivation and passion to face new challenges.

- Improve communication between teams.

exspeed16 802 days ago
calendar Until 20/05/2022 00:00:00 expired

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