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World of Warcraft Classic Game Guide

Just as returning to the world of Azeroth on Pandaria has inspired the new characters, the new profession System has inspired those who went before them. A new connection to Warcraft lore is the link between any potential profession and another faction in the world. While there are rules for creating new professions, there is no restriction on crossing the realms in the pursuit of knowledge. As a result, an entirely new profession, players will want to find one which fits their own special interests.

World of Warcraft is full of really cool lore, NPCs, and major world events. It's a perfect place to start your learnin' of WoW, so here are just a few things you might learn from playing in the Legion. I'm not going to attempt to list all of the lore, but I will mention some interesting facts and historical events that you might want to keep in mind:

The Lich King is not the one who raised Deathwing to life, that honor belongs to his loyal shaman, Thrall. Deathwing was killed in the hands of the "Gladiators of the Ebon Blade" of Blackwing Lair when Alliance forces overran the Frostfire.If you need to Buy Cheap WoW Gold Classic and WoW Items, then I recommend you to go to to buy, here has the best quality and fastest service.
huailulu 1487 days ago
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calendar Until 01/05/2020 07:00:00 expired

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