Kinda Pets

Best Peston Dog Training Collars

Dog training collars can solve almost all of the behavior problems of your dog. Basically, this device works as a preventive rather than a punishing method to train unsafe dogs. ... (11/08/2019 12:04:10)
review 9 reviews, 0 likes, 73 clicks
calendar Until 10/09/2019 07:00:00 Expired
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Business listing summary

Kinda Pets ratingratingratingratingrating 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
Kinda Pets Located at
Kingston, 87 Queen Rd, Adlaide, SA 5137, Australia.
Phone: (07) 3208 9282
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Number of business listing messages: 1.
Number of business reviews: 2.
Number of bargains shared: 1.


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