Melbourne Henna

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Basic infomation

Phone: 03 94490720
Address: Melbourne, 9 Gurners Ln, Taylors Hill, 3037, Australia
Tags: mehendi  .  mehndi  .  mehndi design  .  henna  .  henna tattoos  .  temp tattoos  .  temporary tattoo  .  temporary tatt

Last updated: 08/08/2017 18:16:17

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BPM Counter: Analyzes the tempo of incoming audio in beats per minute (bpm). Click the numerical display to reset.
lit, analysis is complete, and the tempo is displayed. The measurement ranges from 80 to 160 beats per minute. The measured value is displayed with an The numerical display the current analysis status. If the LED is flashing, a tempo measurement is taking place. When the LED is continuously accuracy of one decimal place.
(27/04/2022 03:22:49)
Good rating (0)Poor rating (0)
Melbourne Henna offers you the unique new generation mehendi art and design service, combining elegance and sophistication, adding the magical touches for that very special occasion. We also offer bridal service and make up for wedding. We have successfully showcased our work for various virtual wedding shows,Bridal exhibitions,wedding registry, South Asian wedding magazines including Indian, Pakistani, Fijian and Sri lankan fairs.

Whatever your style, taste or occasion may be from Traditional Indian , Arabic , Mogual , or contemporary modern style designs , we can offer our various services to suit the occasion.

Our innovative Henna designs and excellent service, have made her extremely popular and her clients include leading models , Indian nights, event Organisers, Ladies clubs, Domestic and Corporate Clients.

We provide our services for big and small Mehendi functions all around Melbourne. We are the only people imparting training in the art of Mehendi/Heena application.

We offer a wide array of services which range from your kids theme parties to your bollywood theme parties to your most special day of your life your weddings!!!!!!!

We not only cater for Bridal Mehendi/henna for your wedding , but also we would provide henna for all your special occasions like

1) Hens night

2) Sargi Nights...which is one of our very popular events during the festive season

3) Mehendi/Henna nights

4) Ladies Sangeet

5) Diwali and Ed functions

5) Bollywood kids theme parties

7) Bollywood Theme parties

8) Public Events and Fairs

9) Large Corporate Functions

10) Private parties

11) Baby Shower/ Bridal shower

12) Individual requirements

13) Formals

14) Or whenever you just want to feel Special and pampered !!
(29/10/2013 11:02:05)
Good rating (1)Poor rating (0)

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Business listing summary

Melbourne Henna Located at
Melbourne, 9 Gurners Ln, Melbourne, 3037, Australia.
Phone: 03 94490720
URL of business directory:
Number of business listing messages: 2.
Number of bargains shared: 2.


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