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When Should You Consider Content Repurposing for SEO?

To achieve a spectacular rise in the SERPs and attract the attention of your target audience, your website needs to be SEO optimized and benefit from a comprehensive content-writing strategy. Is the intent of your user's visitors informational? Do you need articles that elaborate on complex and little-debated topics related to your area of activity? Then, you will have to call on the services of an SEO content writing specialist to build for you fresh texts or repurpose your existing product or service descriptions or articles. Why are content writing strategies crucial for SEO? A few reasons:

The technical performance of your pages will determine your website's SERP score, the interaction of your target audience with the services you offer, and the efficiency of your domain on mobile devices. However, an equally important factor for the visibility of your business will be the content you post. Search engines aim to improve the visibility of sites that publish content people want to access. Do you post quality articles shaped according to information found during the SEO audit process? If so, your reputation will increase, your authority score will be boosted, and your SERP impressions will skyrocket.

Through content writing, the company you collaborate with will use keywords or phrases found during the SEO audit, create articles or descriptions relevant to your target audience, explore niche topics that can influence your industry, and build a better user experience for your visitors. Posting fresh content is one of the main avenues to keep the interest of your audience and attract link-building opportunities. However, content can also be repurposed.

What Are the Advantages of Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing is a strategy by which you can adapt the content already existing on your website pages to the requirements of your target audience and modify it to different formats suitable for posting on various channels. Content repurposing is a method by which you can repost your content, with alternations, and make it enjoyable for different audiences. Are you a company active in the video marketing industry? Then, it can be a good idea to edit some of your articles and adapt them to short-length video formats suitable for your social media channels.

Are you active in B2C? Then, you could use existing product descriptions on your websites and create medium-length blog posts. Lists, for example, attract 80% more traffic than other types of articles ( ). If you already have reviews or in-depth editorial content on your blog, you could adapt it and create concise product comparisons or bullet-point presentations aimed at a new audience group. Content repurposing is an efficient way to expand your services to a new public and is a way to work the algorithms in your favor.

Many algorithm changes Google implemented in recent years have markedly affected sites that use a single content-posting strategy. Diversifying your content marketing strategies and repurposing your texts towards different formats can be a way to reduce the effects that changes to crawlers will have on your SERP visibility. Repurposing your old content can diversify your visibility streams, leverage your users' engagement, and focus your sales funnel.

How Can You Repurpose Old Content?

Over half of nationally-relevant US companies ( ) use outsourced contractors to create SEO-optimized content. However, the content created does not always have to be fresh. Is your blog full of quality articles still relevant to your field? Then, the information in your blog could be the basis for creating other types of editorial content that will contribute to your SERP impressions. An excellent and simple-to-implement idea could be to adapt old articles or product/service descriptions to infographics or slideshows suitable for social media.

Moreover, the critical points of the articles on your website's pages could be used for short-form video snippets on video-sharing platforms such as TikTok or YouTube. The written content could be adapted to audio presentations; user comments could be reposted as testimonials, and old articles could be updated and posted again, considering the keywords relevant to your target audience. Content repurposing is a simple and effective way to create materials that contribute positively to your brand reputation. And over time, this diversification of your content writing efforts will significantly impact your website's authoritativeness score.

How Can an SEO Professional Audit Help with Content Creation?

The SEO audit of a complex website represents an opportunity to identify trends in your field of activity and modify your strategy based on the requirements of your target audience. The high-quality services of SEO audit professionals ( ) will start with complex website analysis, identifying the main keywords or key phrases frequently utilized by your target audience. Based on this information, the experts you call upon will develop a content creation strategy that respects the user's intent and corresponds to the developments of your industry.

The audit process will assess the relevance of content already on your site, identify underdeveloped topics that can benefit from extra research, pinpoint duplicate content that affects the SERP performance of your domain, and spot opportunities to implement a link-building strategy. Moreover, the SEO audit will involve a thorough competitive analysis of your rivals, laying the groundwork for a strategic blueprint to enhance business profitability.

The Key to SEO Success

A comprehensive SEO strategy will involve several steps and include many elements that will change the visibility of your services and the relevance of your content to search engine crawlers. However, perhaps the most significant stage of an SEO plan is creating optimized content based on the information collected in the audit stage. High-quality, E-A-T-compliant SEO can do wonders for your SERP score and is the most effective technique for attracting links from sites recognized by your audience.

High-quality content can increase your business's local relevance, improve your users' bounce rate, positively affect social signals, and keep your site enticing, even during unexpected algorithm changes. High-quality content is at the core of long-term SEO strategies, and in the hands of a search engine optimization specialist, it can be a tool to enhance your brand's reputation, improve your market share, and transform your enterprise from a regional player into an international conglomerate.
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calendar Until 17/07/2024 00:00:00 (Expires in 19 days )

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