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Tang Shuanglong Biography-Huang Yi _ txt Novel Paradise

Fu Chun-yu said angrily, "I still want Shigong to shout at me. I'm so angry!"! They have not yet met and have only exchanged gifts. What should people say? As long as you have three heads and six arms, you have no chance when everyone is working for you step by step. Go back and think about it! "" I want to see all of you, Xiufang, "said Kou Zhong. Fu Junyu replied calmly, "Xiufang told me to tell you that she will come to visit the young marshal later. Please go back."! If I do not inform you otherwise, the three of you may come here to see the Master at midnight tonight. Then he turned around and disappeared into the screen, leaving the three of them staring blankly at the colorful mica screen. As expected by Li Shimin, the risks and changes after entering the city were indeed beyond their imagination. They had turned from darkness to light and were in an absolutely passive situation before the event. Arriving on the bridge, Kou Zhong suddenly said, "Hou Xiaozi is more resourceful to women. He can do something that can move you to forget everything in the past. This trick really works like a God." Xu Ziling sighed, "You are annoyed with Shang Xiufang, so you deliberately miss Song Yuzhi." Kou put his hand on Feng Han's shoulder and said dejectedly, "This boy really understands me." Ba Feng Han took the lead without making a sound, and Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling behind him exchanged glances, all knowing that Ba Feng Han had something on his mind because of Fu Junyu. Arriving at the gate of the outer courtyard, Grandfather Wei summoned a carriage to take them to the Xingqing Palace. Wei Gonggong was so sophisticated that he did not say a word about their conversation with Fu Junyu. The carriage rode along the imperial road in the palace, surrounded by more than ten guards, and galloped in the direction of Chengtian Gate. In the Taiji Palace, only Li yuan and the royal people have this privilege, which shows that at least on the surface, Li yuan is doing enough kungfu and regards them as state guests. It was difficult to talk in the carriage,Lamella Plate Settler, and the three of them had something on their minds. There was silence, and only the horse's hooves accompanied them? A slight scrape of the wheels. Kou Zhong looked through the curtain at the changes in the landscape along the way, and his thoughts rose and fell. Without Fu Junyu's reminding, he knew he was in danger, and from Li Shimin's subtle analysis, he guessed that Li yuan was inclined to the Crown Prince and Concubine Party under the influence of the Demon Gate. However, the situation is not completely unfavorable to them, because there are contradictions between Li yuan and Jiancheng and yuanji, and the key lies in the differentiation between Li yuan and Jiancheng. As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty,Mechanical fine screen, Li yuan, apart from not being able to completely unify the world, has in fact become the most powerful person in the world. The three major cities in the world will have two of them, and the harvest will be rich. He cherishes everything he possesses more than anyone else. As far as he was concerned, if he could get Kou Zhong to join hands to deal with the allied forces beyond the Great Wall, of course, the ideal was not only to eliminate foreign aggression, but also to deal with Li Shimin calmly after Kou Zhong returned to Liangdu. In the final analysis, Li yuan did not have the confidence and courage to deal with Jieli alone, and the life of the court had softened Li yuan's ambition. Li Jiancheng was a newborn calf, and with the power of defeating Liu Hei's army and returning triumphantly, he had never experienced the power of foreign riding and shooting, so he naturally despised Jieli. His wishful thinking would be to clean up Kou Zhong and Li Shimin at one stroke, remove the obstacles to the unification of the world and the throne of the Tang Dynasty, and then deal with the invading allied forces beyond the Great Wall with all his strength, disc air diffuser ,Dissolved Gas Flotation, because Jiancheng was confident that he could cope with them. Both Li yuan and Jiancheng had the intention of killing Kou Zhong, and there was no doubt about it. However, due to the differences in ideas between the two sides, the means are different. As long as he could make Li yuan feel the need for his cooperation, Li yuan would not be foolish enough to eradicate him before the arrival of Jieli's army; on the other hand, he would try to stimulate Jiancheng and force him to do it. This is a dangerous game, he must put aside everything, to forget Shang Xiufang, not affected by the overall situation of men and women, so as to become the final winner. The carriage entered across the square. The sound of hooves suddenly rose, and a rider galloped from the direction of the East Palace. Kou Zhong and the three of them were surprised to see that Yang Xuyan, the "shadow swordsman," had come. Kou Zhong lifted the curtain and said with a smile, "How are you, Brother Yang?" Yang Xuyan returned the favor with a smile, saying, "Xuyan was unable to attend the grand ceremony to welcome the young marshal, so he has come to pay his respects to the young marshal." Riding straight to the side of the car window, pushing side by side with their carriage to the imperial city, and greeting Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan, outsiders thought they were old friends meeting again. Kou Zhong carefully examined his expression and breath, and knew that he had made a breakthrough in the integration of the Immortal Seal Method and the Strange Skill of the Wisdom Sutra, which might have been able to make up for the shortcomings and flaws of previous beginners.
"Brother Yang really lives up to the name of the Shadow Assassin," said Xinran. "He is so elusive that I never thought you would be in the big square in broad daylight. Ha Hearing Kou Zhong's extremely sarcastic remarks to Yang Xuyan, Xu Ziling and Ba Feng laughed and waited for Yang Xuyan's reaction. Yang Xuyan's eyes flashed sharply. Staring at Kou Zhong, he put on a faint and inscrutable smile and said, "Young Marshal's words are really funny. The situation is different now. Otherwise, Young Marshal would not be in the mood to chat with Xuyan here.". Xu Yan came here just to say hello to the three of you. I hope the three of you will live a long life. Kou Zhong laughed and said, "Brother Yang is still making a move!"! With a thorn in his voice, as powerful as your shadow sword. Frankly speaking, what the younger brother longs for most at present is to have a good time with brother Xuyan and see if brother Yang has made enough progress. Yang Xuyan shrugged his shoulders and said, "As long as the young marshal has this heart, he will be able to follow the wishes of heaven and man." Men and horses drove into the imperial city at this time, galloping along the sky street toward the rosefinch gate, guarding along the way, and when the carriage passed by, they all raised their weapons to salute. Ba Feng snorted coldly, but did not speak. Kou Zhong couldn't help laughing and said, "It's rare that Brother Yang has the same mind. Alas!"! Frankly speaking, although we have fought many times, you want me to die, and I don't want you to live forever. But I can never figure out what kind of person you are, for example, what hobbies do you have besides a woman like Rong Jiao? What do you have in mind? Why do you become so ruthless and unscrupulous? Think about it, people are very curious nowadays. Brother Yang, can you give me some advice? Yang Xuyan's face darkened and he said in a low voice, "Because the young marshal is not Xuyan, he doesn't have Xuyan's experience and feelings.". Young marshal has his own way to survive, and Xu Yan has his own way. For example, I don't understand why the young marshal dares to come to Chang'an and why he has the confidence to go back alive. Kou Zhong said with a smile,lamella tube, "That's what every teacher does. When it comes to the way to survive, has Brother Yang ever thought about your teacher?"? When your brother loses his usefulness, will he let you go? 。
Joseph1 490 days ago
calendar Until 31/03/2023 23:59:59 expired

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