Bargain Reviews

$99 Mixed Dozen of French Sparkling Wine

groupon wine deal, save a lot.
mandy 3229 days ago
review ratingratingratingratingrating 5 stars, based on 5 reviews
calendar Until 09/09/2015 06:59:59 expired

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    mandy 3229 days ago
    Package contents:
    One bottle of Saint Hilaire Blanquette De Limoux Sparkling NV
    Two bottles of Beau de France Brut NV
    One bottle of Blanc Foussy Brut Sparkling NV
    Two bottles of Veuve d’Alban Brut NV
    Three bottles of Grandial Blanc de Blancs NV
    Three bottles of Pierlant Blanc de Blancs Brut NV
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    mtboan 1387 days ago
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    1277 days ago
    When it comes to wines, many people don't often pair the weather with a certain type of wine. However, just like a full bodied red wine is perfect during the winter months (as well as some tasty mulled wine during the festive period) so is a crisp, refreshing and chilled white wine perfect for those summer days sat on your balcony or in the garden after a hard day at work. chinese horoscope wine tasting set
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